
Cuties is a Sun Pacific brand, a seedless, easy peel California Clementine. I had the pleasure of coming to know the brand over many years, its mission and audience. Supporting the brand across many channels and projects, my favorite was creating a new batch of the fun, on-fruit stickers every year.

Annual refresh of the Cuties sticker

Objective: Create such a preference for Cuties, so that moms will be willing to switch stores, if Cuties are not in their supermarket.
Target audience: Active parents of kids 3-10
Emotional Benefit: “I feel great giving my kids Cuties, because they are so healthy and my kids love them.”
Reasons to buy: Sweet and delicious. seedless, easy to peel, healthy – it is a fruit!
Brand Personality: Sunny, optimistic, warm, Welcoming Brand Promise: A Sweet Small Token of Big Love

We concepted lists of sticker sayings aligned with the current advertising campaign. We collaborated with Sun Pacific’s marketing director, refining the list to 48 per year. Next we created the all-vector illustrations that also aligned with the campaign and brand statements. Lastly we prepped the files for press, ensuring they would reproduce well at a very small scale.

The sticker campaigns have been a very successful differentiator for the brand. In-store request by name rose consistently YOY. Insights report that kids like to collect the stickers.